Saturday, August 25, 2012

So, we said our good byes just over 2 weeks ago in the SLC Airport. I was terrified and, well, homesick already. Moms don't take off and leave, kids do! I'm too old for this!! But, well, now I'm cooking pumpkin leaves with cabbage, onions, pumpkin leaves and tofu, licking the bowl out on the weekends before I grade some more papers. I feel at home in my brand new (& I DO mean NEW--no one's ever lived here but me) apartment in Sacheon City of South Korea. Here's a view of the outside of my building. And one of the inside, or at least, where I put my shoes--too, too cute. I love my home, my school, my city and the fact that I'm situated right on the edge of the city and rural, countryside! I love my school (more on that later), coworkers and boss, and MOST of the kiddies I teach (working on that small "other" percentage).
There's way too much to tell!! But I just got a little camera, so I'll end this post with a gorgeous scene--one of many I see daily in my morning walks through the farmlands and waterways East of me (I live right on the edge of the city). And, once a week, I'll blog about at least one thing out of the ever expanding plethora of "wow" and "that's just cool" or "a little weird" stuff that fills every waking moment here in Sacheon, South Korea. We're on the edge of the ocean and riddled with natural and man-made waterways, so the air is moist enough to open your mouth and feel refreshed when you've sweated yourself out. Today's the first sunny day we've had in about a week.


  1. You're amazing! We miss you and can't wait to keep posted on your adventures!

  2. Hardly, but thanks and will do!! I love my new job, but do miss the ward~~

  3. If your experience and memories of South Korea are as awesome as Jerry and mine are of Hong Kong you will be so overflowing you won't be able to make a dent in telling everyone how awesome it is.

    Enjoy every day.

